Card of the Day: Legacy of the Divine Four of Wands

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I am going to be working with the Legacy of the Divine deck a lot in the next couple of weeks, so that you can all see what we're giving away. Gee, darn, poor me, having to work with something so lovely. (Note the sarcasm. :D )

Wands (to me) represent fire, passion, enthusiasm, and creativity; endeavors, and things we're working on. For example, since I've started this blog, I've had wands popping up a lot in my own readings.

The four of wands generally speaks to me of celebration and giddy excitement. It makes me think of the breathless enthusiasm you sometimes feel when something you've really wanted comes to pass. It also means, to me, stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new.

In researching, I also learned that this card can represent seeking freedom, and moving away from something that is holding you down or trapping you.

In a divinatory sense, this card can refer to joyous events like weddings, birthdays, graduations, or more unexpected, thrilling events.

The thought just occured to me- I know one person to whom this card applies brilliantly right now- in regards to her pending divorce. Not an event I would normally apply to this card, but there you go.

This particular card also speaks of safety, doesn't it? An oasis, a safe place in a world that is otherwise terrifying and dangerous. Imagine how joyous and relieved you would be if you were wandering through that cracked, dead land and stumbled upon the sanctuary offered by those four wands.

Image used with permission. Copyright 2007 Ciro Marchetti.


xdiminished said...

I really like the look of this particular 4 of wands. When I saw this card when first going through the my Rider Waite deck, the first thing I thought of was a wedding reception. My father has a wooden fixture in his back yard that resembles the way the wands are on that card. When my cousin got married, she walked under it. It was adorned with streamers and other decorations and resembled the picture on the card even more.

The four of wands that you displayed really does draw a lot of notice to the theme of saftey. Picture makes me think of a place of serenity among chaos. An eye of the storm maybe....

Just thoughts.

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