Card Of The Day: Fairytale Tarot Three of Coins

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's card is the 3 of coins from Magic Realist Press' "Fairytale Tarot".
(An important note about this tarot deck- it's beautiful, stunning, extremely well produced, and out of print. Many retailers are already selling out, and Karen from Baba Studios (who run MRP) has said that they only have about 90 copies left. They do not intend to reprint this, so once it's gone, it's gone! Previous copies of MRP OOP decks sell for ridiculous amounts on eBay- some for up to $1000. If you want it, get it now. )

OK. The 3 of coins. In more traditional decks, it's usually known as the 3 of pentacles.

Pentacles are the suit of the material; solid, real things, like jobs, money, health, and possessions.

The three of pentacles (or coins, in this deck) is all about being a master of your craft. Not through luck and talent, but through a lot of dedication and hard work. It also talks about teamwork, planning, and using your resources well. It refers to getting the job done, and doing it well.

Reversed, this card can refer to working so hard that you lose touch with everything else (like a workaholic would), being a perfectionist, holding people up to impossible standards, and not working well in a team.

In a divinitory sense, this could indicate that because someone excels at their job, they will continue to have plenty of work to do; it can also indicate that someone will be working as part of a team.

The really cool thing about this card from the Fairytale deck is that while it shows all the positive things associated with being really, really good at what you do, it also shows the drawbacks. See those people gossiping in the corner? The jealousy and bitterness other people can feel can be a problem for anyone who excels at what they do.

Image used with permission. Copyright Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov 2005.


. said...


I saw your post on Aeclectic about wanting the Bohemian Gothic Silver....I wasn't sure of the price you were looking for but I do have a Silver BG for sale on Amazon at the moment! It's set at $300. I could go a trade/less money route too! Just let me know ....the deck is listed right under the normal listing for the standard BG....!

= )

Amary said...

I wish I could, the Bohemian Gothic Silver is at the very tippy top of my wishlist- but it's just not possible right now. Thank you so much for your kind offer, though!

Angela said...

$1000?? I'm glad that I have two copies: one set, and one deck. :) I wish they would reprint their decks, at some point; I'd love a Bohemian Gothic, but can't afford the huge prices.

It's nice to see more interest in it, though. I planned to IDS with this deck, as well as the Fantastic Menagerie, but it hasn't happened yet. Soon...

Amary said...

I am seriously considering buying a second copy of this deck, becuase they've said they'd like to reprint the Bohemian Gothic and Victorian Romantic, but that the Fairytale and Fantastic Menagerie will not be reprinted.

The deck I was referring to was the Victorian Romantic Gold- it's sold on ebay for around $1000 a couple times the past week!

I'd love a Bohemian Gothic, too, but until it gets reprinted, I don't know if it will happen. I REALLY want a Bohemian Gothic Silver, but again- I don't know if that will EVER happen. Recent prices are around $700. :(

Hey- thanks for checking out our blog. :)

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