Only one more day!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tomorrow at 10:00 Mountain Time we'll be doing the drawing for a brand new, straight from the retailer copy of The Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti. I've been posting some of the gorgeous images over the past two weeks so that you could enjoy them, and I hope you have- they really are breathtaking.

So- if you want to win this gorgeous, luxurious deck and book kit, remember to post a comment on any post on the blog before 10:00 am tomorrow morning, and I'll write your name on a slip of paper and drop it in our Giant Cauldron (it's a tupperware bowl) of Names.

Also, if you like the Legacy and think it's stunning (which of course you do, because you are a person of impeccable good taste) check out Ciro's website- lots of beautiful stuff there.

He also has a website specifically for the Legacy of The Divine, with animated versions of all 78 cards, card of the day calculators, and a lot of other neat features. You can get more information at

And as a special treat, some samples of the animated cards:

The Three of Swords:

The Empress:

The Four of Swords:

You can view more samples of his gorgeously animated cards at his Youtube Channel.

Good luck, everyone!


Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Love the new blog background!

Another Mom on the Internet said...

very exciting!

MoonShine said...

alright... I'm in :-)
BTW- I love the blog, and have been reading it- just not commenting- I'll be happy to add an article or two if you want.
See you Tuesday.

aurarcana said...

I just discovered your blog now and will keep reading it. I love finding new Tarot blogs.

What a fun competition.

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