I'm a bad blogger. Bad, bad blogger.

Friday, November 27, 2009

If it makes you feel any better, I've been feeling guilty for my terrible neglect. Really. My computer has been giving me reproachful glares for... awhile.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what my husband calls "positive thinking" and what others I know call, "sending it into the universe".

You see, I tend to get what I want. Pretty much always, and very much due to the kindness and generosity of the people around me. A lot of the decks I have that are hard to find were sold to me for much less than they were worth simply because people were generous, and it was worth more to them to see these decks in the hands of someone who would love them than in the hands of someone who merely values them for their rarity. One of them I even "won"- although technically, my partner in the drawing won the deck, and sent it on to me. I have a friend who refers to me as a shopping genius- because somehow, I find what I am looking for, and for less than I expect to pay.

In all aspects of my life, this trend is consistent enough to make me really stand up and take notice- it has gotten to the point where I even rely on it. If I am meant to have something, or to do something, I will have or do that thing. I don't doubt this. (This doesn't mean that I don't worry; not all of the experiences that we are meant to have are pleasant!)

It also kind of creeps me out. WHY does this work? I've read, recently, that atoms will change their behavior according to the expectations of the people who are viewing them. This is huge, when applied to the idea that we can create our own realities based on our expectations. How much do we limit ourselves based on what we believe we can do or have? How much of our own negative experience do we create by fearing it?

I haven't read "The Secret", although from what I hear it's really the same idea- as Buddha said, "With our thoughts, we make the world."

Here's what I am working on. I want the world to be a better place. I want people to be kind and generous and loving with each other, and with the earth we live on. Normally, I pretty much believe people are bastards; I'm going to work on changing this belief. Maybe with my thoughts, I can change the world.


Stephanie said...

I read this, and felt like telling you that I like your writing voice.
This was interesting to me.

Amary said...

Thank you very much. I really appreciate that, and I am glad you enjoyed it.

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