The Fool's Journey Starts With a Single Step

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hey everyone! At this point, I am going to assume that most of you that are reading this followed the link from my Livejournal, either out of genuine interest or morbid curiosity. :)

The fact that I have an interest in tarot is something that most people don't know about me. I tend to keep it to myself; there are a lot of misconceptions about the function and purpose of tarot, and a lot of people are very afraid of it. In fact, at one point, I was one of those people. However, working with the tarot has so far been an incredibly positive force in my life, and it is something I enjoy immensely- so I wanted to branch out, and make it more accessible to those people in my life that may be interested in it.

The purpose of this blog is for us (myself and my co-tarotista, who I'm hoping will introduce herself soon!) to further explore the Tarot. We wanted a place to record our readings, as well as a place to discuss them and get fresh perspectives.

I also hope to review tarot decks, and I am planning to draw a card a day and research and discuss that card. We are also planning to do readings through the blog, so if you'd like one, please leave a comment with your question on the blog and we'll get to it as soon as we can, assuming it works out the way I'm hoping it will. That's always a bit of a leap of faith! (Keep in mind that, unless you tell me otherwise, your reading will be posted to the blog- if it's something terribly private, you may want to ask for a general reading.)

I am very excited about this new venture, and hope that you'll join me on it!


Anonymous said...

Okay so I responded to your message on LJ. I would very much like a general reading, and will of course provide any feedback you need for your research. I was telling my fiancé all about your new blog, and he expressed interest in a reading as well. He has been unemployed for months and is having a hard time with that as well as dealing with my health issues. He badly needs some guidance to help him acheive balance. Will you do one for him as well?


Another Mom on the Internet said...

Excited to follow your journey.

I would love a general reading as well Susan.

AJ said...

Hi. Just saw a link from aeclectic. I agree with you, some people have a misconception about tarot. They don't know the true meaning and purpose behind it. But I'm starting to tell some friends that I'm studying it. It's like a little 'coming out' thing.. lol. =D

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