Monday, June 14, 2010
I've never done a deck interview, so I took myself over to and picked one out of the many offered by members there. I sat down with Shadowscapes, some incense, and had a chat. Here are my results, see what you think:
1. Tell me about yourself
Result: 4 of cups--isolated, self focused, introspective, narcissistic. Perhaps a good deck for growth of self, or reflection of inner states.
2. Strengths
Result: Queen of Wands--passionate, lyrical, attractive, draws you in, inspiring, confident, creative, feminine. Feels like the deck is very inspiring to creativity and spirituality, especially for women.
3. Limits
Result: Fool reversed--overconfident, foolISH, stagnant, rooted, careful, plodding. Deck might be a bit too cautious, not want to push the querent into harder territory.
4. What are you here to teach me?
Result: Page of pentacles--Deck has potential wisdom, to trust the earth and the messages received. To rise above difficulty, or to see difficulty as potential. You are a part of everything.
5. How can I learn and collaborate with you?
Result: 4 of pentacles--Selfish or greedy. Perhaps deck wants to be used for readings for self only, rather than be shared.
6. Potential outcome of our working relationship?
Result (this one made me giggle): Wheel of Fortune--eh, things always change anyway. Seems like the deck is telling me that it isn't the life changing sort, rather a companion for each turn of the wheel.
All in all, I interpreted this to mean that the deck will work better for personal readings than reading for other people. That it is clearly feminine and creative, passionate and engaged but not particularly pushy or daring. And that it remains staunchly committed to the 8 fold path ;)
So, I probably won't be reading much for others with this one, but I revel in its beauty and earthy spirituality all the same.