Monday, December 28, 2009
So, the holidays are almost over, and with the passing of the holidays comes the opportunity to return to normal. Or what passes for normal around here, anyway.
I have kind of let my tarot studies lapse over the past couple months, (I know- shocking and unexpected, right? You never would have guessed) but as the new year approaches, I've been considering how best to approach diving back in. You see, I miss tarot in my life when it's not an everyday part of my life. I think it's not just the Tarot, but an overall sense of spirituality that is missing. I get really caught up in "Now, and now, and next" and forget to breathe- to really, really breathe, to slow down and see and experience everything that is happening.
So, my goals for the new year are as follows:
To continue meeting with our tarot group as often as possible, hopefully an average of once a week;
To offer no less than 5 online readings at per week;
To study and learn a new spread an average of once every two weeks.
I've also decided to start carrying a deck with me wherever I go. I had a very tough time choosing which deck that would be. I recently cut about 17 decks out of my collection; I still have quite a few, but most of them weren't appropriate for purse-living for a variety of reasons. I waffled and wavered and finally remember that my Legacy of the Divine, which has been on a little adventure of it's own, had returned home to me. In to the purse it went, and I am quite satisified with it there. Honestly, given the choice I would always, always pick the Bohemian Gothic to read with, but until it's reprinted (which looks quite likely at this point, yay!) I'm not carrying everywhere I go.
In other news, we've welcomed a couple new contributors to our ranks, and hopefully they'll be along to post as things settle down a bit more.
Lastly, don't forget to add to your messenger account; if you see me online, I'm available to do readings.
I hope the new year brings peace and prosperity to everyone.